Lun-Ven: 08:30-17:30 / Sam: 08:30-12:30  Casablanca+212 5 22 44 68 02/03 / +212 5 22 64 80 70 / +212 8 08 54 71 45
                          Tanger +212 5 39 93 61 57 / + 212 6 72 62 02 03
                       Marrakech+212 5 24 45 88 88 / + 212 6 62 43 28 78          



Established in Himeji, Japan, GLORY is considered the pioneer in the development and manufacturing of cash handling processes. GLORY provides a wide variety of solutions such as cash handling machines, cash management systems and self-service equipment. Key actors in the financial, retail and gaming industries in more than 100 countries rely on GLORY’s technology to design custom cash solutions that deliver real improvements in business performance.